Thursday, October 21, 2010

Reply for earlier blog on ....CHANGES NEEDED.....Agricultural Extension....

Dear Sir,

Only giving thanks was not enough for Dr. Anne Van den Ban’s valuable article. Sorry for that day that I could not express my view about the article. It was because for such a valuable article actually i needed a time to think about it and to understand it completely

Sir I personally feel that Dr Van den ban has done a great job by raising the question about the need for the women extension agent and you have awaken us , dormant youngsters by spreading such a valuable article.

Sir after coming here in north India I have experienced that some where there’s need for a female extension agent more than a man. The reason behind is their is lots of gender gap in our society especially in northern India, when some male member came to village areas many women don’t show their face they keep on hide their face under the veil but to a women they don’t have any hesitation to show their face and they willingly participate in any kind of programme. Moreover, women has more ability to convince the people whether technically or emotionally though they have little problem in going here and there but the word WILL POWER compensate it. If the person has the will to do her work willingly he /his does it in any situation. So here comes the role of “Motivation” which is very important for any extension agent and to motivate the future extension agents is the prior duty of senior extension agents and teachers.

If we really have to develop our nation we need to work on grass root level for this we should try to educate each and every female member especially where there is lots of castism.

Sir, When we talk about farm production and export problem I have seen it by myself in own community (Arunachal Pradesh especially Adi tribal community) their is lot of production of crops like oranges, ginger, bhoot jolokia (the world hottest chilli) but farmer don’t not have any idea where to sell it and how to preserve it. They just sell it to some brokers/ middlemen with very cheap penny. However, I have great expectations from the CAU and SAUs/ICAR that they (including myself) will help our farmers to solve this problem. These innocent people don’t have any regretness that how much they are putting their effort in growing these crops because they have been doing this since their childhood…...

If we solve the problems of every State ultimately we will solve the problems of our Nation……..

Sir, these were just a simple view from a growing up young extension professional….

Thank you

Ms. Nanang Tamut

M.Sc in Home Science Extension Education

C.S.A. University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur.

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